Game Experts
Our game experts have decades of combined experience playing and leading games of all kinds as Dungeon Master or Game Master.
Tabletop RPG games galore: we can help you learn or enjoy a large selection of games, regardless of your skill level.
Learn a little bit about each of our game experts below, including what games they can run.
Dungeons and Dragons 5e
Call of Cthulhu
Edge of the Empire (Star Wars)
Exalted 3e
Exalted Vs. World of Darkness
Pathfinder 2e
World of Darkness
Hi everyone, I'm Maverick (he/him). I've been playing TTRPGs for about 15 years now, and I've GM'd games for about 7 of those years. While I definitely like my game systems a bit more on the "crunchy" side, I never lose sight of the fact that player happiness and engagement are the most important factors when running a game. If you ever want to try something crazy then I'm all ears, I'm very much a "yes, and" type of GM. I'd also say that I'm more on the improv side of the GM scale, while I've always got the adventure planned out in advance I'm also really down to go off the rails at any time if that's what the group wants. While D&D 5e, Lancer, and World of Darkness are the systems I've got the most experience running, I've got experience with plenty of others as well.
Arcana Unearthed
D&D 3.5e
D&D 5e
Honey Heist
Kids On Bikes
Lazers and Feelings
Mork Borg
Pathfinder 1e
Pathfinder 2e
Powered By The Apocalypse games
Polygon System games
The Quiet Year
The Witch is Dead
World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness
Christa has been rolling dice for over 20 years. Their start with Vampire the Masquerade and Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e followed closely by many years of Pathfinder 1e and Unearthed Arcana opened their eyes to a world of tabletop roleplaying possibilities.
Playing in and running games on Twitch has honed their style into "play first check rules later" with a heavy emphasis on the Rule of Cool. They continue to play, run, and love D&D but are passionate about indie games and spreading the gospel of The Beggar: "I'm begging you to play another game."
Have Christa run your game if you're looking to build a world as zany as you can dream or branch out into the wide world of TTRPGs beyond sword and sorcery.
D&D 5e
Call of Cthulhu
Cyberpunk RED
Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting: 5e
​I'm Brandon (he/him), and I've been playing TTRPGs for about a decade and DMing for about 6-7 of those years. While I have the most experience in DnD, I have other experience in other systems and spend a lot of time just reading other rulebooks for other systems. My goals are to make DnD and roleplaying comfortable and accessable to everyone, and I'm down to run both premade modules and homebrew content depending on what people are interested in. I like to have an even mix of roleplaying and combat, but I have a bias towards more roleplaying and focusing on creating a story for players to be a part of! Rule of Cool is number one for me, and I'm always down to adjust the rules. A big part of what I like to run in DnD is all my one shots and campaigns are in the same world, so if you choose to run with me you might recognize areas more and more, and who knows, you might even come across previous characters of yours!
Cyberpunk (2022 & Red)
Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D to 5e)
Exalted 3e
Magic: The Gathering
Shadowrun (1e to 4e)
Warhammer 40k
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Hi! I'm Scott, my pronouns are he/him, and I've been playing games of nearly every description for 35+ years.I love TTRPGs and I have played and run D&D from AD&D 2nd edition all the way through to 5E. I've also played and run Shadowrun, Vampire, Warhammer Fantasy, and a few others. I'm always interested in learning a new system and taking people through their first experience with it. One common thread among most of my games is that I prefer a relatively even mix of role-playing and roll-playing.If you want to learn a new board game, or get suggestions on new ones, I'm your guy. I tend towards crunchy mechanical games, but prefer ones that can be played within 2 hours or so. I've got experience with work-placement, resource management, dice, bidding, tactical, and lots of crossover games. Let me know what you're looking for and I can help walk you through.I've also spent a lot of time playing TCGs. I've spent some time in and around the competitive M:tG scene, though admittedly not in the last several years. I've played a ton of Netrunner, both original and Android: Netrunner, and really enjoy learning and teaching new games.Hope to see you Questing soon!
Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Pathfinder 2e
I've been a Game Master for around a decade now, and have run and completed dozens of games that have reached satisfying conclusions.
When I run a game, I tend to keep things mechanically grounded rules-wise, but freely flavoured. All with some wiggle room in the name of fun.
I'm very adaptive as a Game Master, and try to make sure my games incorporate and adjust to the stories and playstyles my players bring to the table.
At the start of a game session I always have a plan laid out, but I've no problem with seeing those plans go out the window if we all find something more fun and entertaining along the way!
Hope that we get the chance to play together!
Anime Campaign
City of Mist
D&D 5e
I've played DND for a little over 6 years, and have been GMing that entire time. My games are typically character-driven narrative experiences, with a focus on giving all members of the table a chance to shine in both roleplay and combat. I will always reward a cool or creative idea, and (because of my background in improv and theatre) I am ready to hear out your wildest fantasies or craziest plans. I also believe in communication being a key aspect to a successful game, so I'm always ready to mediate confrontations, assuage confusions, or answer questions at any given time. I usually make a short 'roadmap' of points I'd like to hit on any given adventure, letting the people at the table and the dice in their hands determine the story being told. My most comfortable systems are DND 5e, City of Mist, and Anime Campaign.
Blades in the Dark
Call of Cthulhu
Delta Green
D&D 5e
Monster of the Week
Hi my name is Noah and I've been playing TTRPGs for a decade, and have DM'd several games over the years. I am generally very interested in running mystery games, more focused on investigation, such as Monster of the Week, Delta Green, and Call of Cthulhu. I have been playing and DM'ing DND over the years as well and I am very experienced in that system. I have a passion for developing interesting and fun story settings (which commonly have punk themes) and like players to join in and be a part of the experience in creating them. I am always looking out to make sure my players are enjoying the game at their pace and having fun which is the most important part!
D&D 5e
Magic: The Gathering
I've been playing TTRPGs since 2015 and been a DM for just as long. Over the years I've run multiple campaigns and one-shots, including having completed a five year long campaign. With each game, I enjoy sculpting fantastical worlds, ranging from high fantasy to science fiction. While I have tried a number of different systems, such as Call of Cthulhu, Vampire the Masquerade, and even the Warrior Cats RPG, DnD 5e is what I am most familiar with. I like to balance between having a plan of what's happening during a session with the improv of drawing the players into the story, with combat being used to either break up multiple sessions of RP, or used to further along the story.